2017 Annual General Meeting

Posted by Tommy Burns on 29 March 2017

This is the official notification of the 2017 Annual General
Meeting. This will be held at Cov Uni on the 25th April, starting
at 7:30pm. We please ask that you arrive at 7:15pm.

This year we are going to hold a Pre-AGM Q&A meeting, for members
to stop by and provide feedback, or ask questions of the current
committee before the AGM. This will again be held at Cov Uni on
the 11th April, and you can drop in anytime between 7 & 9pm.

You can also ask any questions in advance by emailing either Nae,
Martin or Tommy.


For any members that are unsure of the process and reasoning as
to why an AGM is required, some details are below:

What is an AGM? 
An AGM is the process by which each club reviews their year and
elects a committee for the following year. It gives members a
fair and democratic opportunity to stand for a committee position
and affect the way that your club is run. If run correctly, AGMs
should provide your club and your members with:
A fair and democratic committee election process
More informed candidates running for positions
A clearer handover process between committees
Improved understanding of budget submission

AGMs set the future of your club and so they are important to get
right. From ensuring you get the right candidates for the
appropriate committee position to ensuring everyone can provide
feedback and vote, a well run AGM will ensure that preparations
for the new year are on track.

Decide upon date of the AGM and a suitable location
Your AGM should be held in an accessible location – this means it
should be somewhere any member feels comfortable to attend, i.e.
not in the house of a possible candidate. You can book rooms in
the Sports Centre. Equally, you could make the meeting an
addition to a regular training session when you know members are

All club members can attend and should be encouraged to do so.
For decisions in an AGM to be upheld you must have at least 50%
of your members in attendance, or as described in your club

Only paid members of the club can nominate themselves for
positions. Members can nominate themselves for any position but
can only stand for one position in a particular year. Candidates
should be encouraged to submit an informal application for the
role they wish to run for to the current club captain/chairman,
but this should not preclude anyone from standing for a position
at the AGM. There shall be no fixed term in office. An incumbent
officer may re-stand as many times as they wish. If a member is
unable to attend they can nominate someone to represent them or
send in a written statement to be read out on their behalf.

Your AGM should be promoted so that you reach 50% attendance and
have a large number of members standing for the role.
Additionally it would be appropriate that any member thinking of
standing talks to the outgoing committee. You should also
consider promoting the AGM on Facebook and on your club web site.

Holding an AGM:
While an AGM must accomplish certain things (electing a new
committee) it doesn’t have to be boring. This should be as much
about celebrating the year as planning for the next so add in
some thank you’s. The key points to running an effective AGM are
as follows:
Voting: Each position must be voted on at AGM. For each position,
the person who polls the most votes shall be elected. In the case
of a tie, the current Club Captain will have the deciding vote.
Minutes: To ensure that there is an accurate record of the
meeting minutes must be taken.  In the event of any complaint or
appeal by a club member, the minutes will be used as information
and so must be accurate and taken by a member who is not standing
for a committee position.

These are the positions that need to be filled for next year.
These are serious jobs that need your full consideration, they
take time and effort!
•    President
•    Chairman
•    Duty Chairman
•    Club Sec
•    Treasurer
•    Membership sec
•    Fixtures sec - mens
•    Fixtures sec - ladies
•    Mens club captain
•    Ladies Club Captain
•    Welfare officer
•    Social sec x2
•    Umpires sec
•    Junior Coordinator
•    Junior parents rep
•    Website Administrator
•    Recruitment Officer
•    Fundraising Coordinator
•    Ladies 1s cap
•    Ladies 2s cap
•    Mens 1s cap
•    Mens 2s cap
•    Mens 3s cap
•    Mens 4s cap

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